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Consulting -
What, How and Why?



Consulting specialises in introducing and establishing a Coaching Culture. A Coaching Culture improves the organisational climate and culture for fulfilment and thriving for its people and collective performance. 

Consulting requirements have also included specific calls-to-action:

  • Creation and alignment of vision

  • Review and reworking of appraisals

  • Career development pathways

  • Succession planning

  • Engagement with policies as a part of best practice

  • Process or system change

  • Effective transitions including, onboarding, induction, returning to work


"82% of employees see their leaders as fundamentally uninspiring."

Gallup Engagement Survey


Consulting is provided with intuitive care for a variety of sectors with demonstrable positive impact.


The Consulting approach with Think Being® is collaborative. It is bespoke, with a measured balance of expertise provided in conjunction with in-house knowledge and resourcefulness for facilitating progressive change. Stakeholder engagement is key for understanding the problems, critical issues and desired goals. A process of shared learning is fostered for inclusivity and to benefit from diversity of thought. Barriers are overcome and accelerators for momentum become part of the common language. What no longer serves people well is identified with transparency, and redesigned for purpose or replaced by innovative alternatives. 


Longer periods of consultation supports the embedding of change to the climate and the culture of an organisation, and extends CPD.


Think Being® engages with groups, teams and organisations in consultation for working out how to generate value for key stakeholders, including those easily missed.


In this way, the process enables courageous inquiry for the discovery of what is not otherwise obvious or able to be noticed without external facilitation to witness different perspectives, perception positioning, and extract what truly matters. 


Accountability is raised for working together for a unified purpose and a sense of belonging.


With appreciation and gratitude for individual contributions, core learning is elicited and can be built upon for mutual future growth and success.

Create opportunity for change...

Why Consulting for a Coaching Culture?


A Coaching Culture establishes conditions for people to flourish.

Traditional management styles of ‘command and control’ are not fit for purpose for ensuring an inclusive global landscape and Human Sustainability. Effective leadership involves creating a climate and organisational culture in which people can realise their potential.


In a Coaching Culture, decision-making is devolved as far as possible to those who implement the decisions. 


A Coaching Culture leads to the following positive outcomes:


  • An environment is created for encouraging autonomy

  • Leadership is more non-directive and colleagues are empowered; this reduces dependence on senior members of staff for the answers

  • A common approach to learning and development

  • Experimentation is fostered and attitude for learning from mistakes

  • A facilitative style of leadership engenders independent thinking and leaders can focus on more strategic priorities


What makes a Coaching Culture transformational is the encouragement for people to show up as who they are and experience their way of being with each other. It is true presence, creating and maintaining space for wisdom to be received and shared, to feel valued, respected and included, for new ideas to be generated and sustainable actions and decisions to be taken. A Coaching Culture brings about the longevity of thriving.


“Because of Consulting from Kirsty, I have used the core mission, vision, and values of my business as the central avenue to increasing my impact and revenue. My sessions helped me to narrow my focus to providing resources and services of exceptional quality in specific, high-impact areas that align with my core values. I have doubled my income, in revenue and direct human impact, and expanded my business into areas to continue growing in response to community and industry needs.

Lynsey Fleck

Owner/CEO of Underdog

“Kirsty’s Coaching and Consultancy are fresh, relevant, and academic and evidence-based. Her human-centred approach facilitates the building of relationships with ease, and organically she partners for the empowerment and inclusivity of others. In collaborative projects, Kirsty's Consultancy is astutely led and she is an efficacious team member.”


Nadine Pfeifer

Founder/CEO of

“I truly think Kirsty is a visionary. Her insight, passion and dedication as a Consultant for the growth and empowerment of this country's educators is awe inspiring. Kirsty's work towards developing a sustainable and nourishing career pathway for teachers could well be a game-changer for the education sector in the UK.”


Anthea Hill

Career Services Coordinator at Parsons Paris (API)

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